Friday, September 21, 2012

Johnny Depp gung-ho!

Over the years, much have been reported about remaking "Lone Langer", finally the impeccable Johnny Deep shot a stunt scene for the much awaited epic film about a Texas Ranger

There were two previous attempts at Lone Ranger films in 1981 and a TV movie in 2003. Columbia Pictures and Classic Media announced their intention to make a Lone Ranger film in 2002. After years stuck in progress, Disney announced in 2008 they had cast Depp to play Tonto. Brits Helena Bonham Carter, Tom Wilkinson and Ruth Wilson also stars.

Lone Ranger will follow the adventures of a masked ex-Texas Ranger who is aided by his Native American companion Tonto to fight injustice in the American Old West.

The Lone Ranger first appeared in 1933 in a wildly popular radio show which spawned an equally popular television show that ran from 1949 to 1957, as well as comic books and movies.

Deep, 47, is so Battle ready! "Lone Ranger" gives the intuition "It is going to be an immaculate film".
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