Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pixar disappoints with its latest film 'Brave'

Brave builds up to a pro feminist, anti-stereotype setting and then collapses into a middle that shocks the audience! Agreed, that Pixar and Disney, apart from their ground breaking animation are known for their fresh scripts - Cars, Shrek series, The Incredibles, Nine, Wall - E, but Brave seems more Bizarre than concrete and most disappointing in comparison to any other Hollywood movie.
The excitement we as kids felt when we first saw 'Finding Nemo' and 'Toy Story' was enthralling. Kids viewing Brave were definitely deprived of that experience! 
More than once in the film Brave slips of the plot and becomes downright strange. Its genre keeps swinging between comedy, action and family drama with a little bit of magic here and there.
There are no glimpses of 'extraordinary' in this film, and people vouching for new Pixar film will surely be disappointed.
Brave looks different, with Scottish accents and Merida flaunting her bright orange hair, big bears and bigger men with swords all appear to the visually appealing. But Brave falls flat on its face with its storyline.
We sure expect a lot more from Pixar, and Brave for everybody, has been overwhelmingly disappointing.  

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