Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Franchises come and go: returns and reboot in today’s Sequel Bits.

The internet world has been doing rounds of rumors on what’s in and which movie sequel is being laid on the table.

Avatar 2 and 3 are certainly coming, but the impeccable film maker James Cameron isn’t rushing. The Director talked a lot about shooting at a higher frame rate and he also believes that China will, in the next five years, be as lucrative a movie marketplace as North America. James Cameron might add Chinese Na'vi to Avatar 2.

Jackie Chan, the said to be soon-retired action star might return with Police Story 2013. Would you show up to see Chan doing his best: action and humor?

Arguably they are the most controversial stars on and off screens-Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan share a bed in the first still from Scary Movie 5. You think the duo will scare the hell out of you on screen? Maybe in person!

Paramount is hoping Tom Cruise’s Jack Reacher will start its own franchise, and mark the beginning of a franchise focus at the studio.

The list of stars for Expendables 3 keep on increasing as producer Avi Lerner keep mentioning names he wants for The Expendables 3: Clint Eastwood, Nicholas Cage, Harrison Ford, the return of Mickey Rourke etc.

Though, a sequel to 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, 28 Months Later, no longer looks likely.

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