Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The ‘Bromance’ syndrome

Women are often teased about films that men cannot stand, like for instance, ‘P.S. I love you.’ Now, even though men would say I changed the channel in the first 15 minutes of the film, we always have the teenage girl, who over coffee explains to her girl friends how she has watched the film more once, cried through every time she saw it and how she adores Gerard Butler.
Chick flicks have enthralled women even when they have been plagued with drama. Pride and Prejudice, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, 27 Dresses and Pretty woman to name a few.
Generalizing is a bad thing, but every synonym has an antonym and for the chick flick it has got to be ‘Bromance.’ And the films under this category are not the thrillers, suspense and horror films or the brilliantly filmed action and adventure Hollywood films, because any smart woman would relish watching Sherlock Holmes. These films are those dead comedies that men over beer want to watch again and again with their best guy buddies. And behold! To top it all Adam Sandler is every ‘Bro-mantic’ lover’s favorite actor.
So here goes the list, Top Ten ‘bro-mantic films’
1.      Jack Ass
2.      American Pie
3.      The Big Gay Musical
4.      Borat
5.      You don’t mess with the Zohan
6.      Harold and Kumar
7.      Epic Movie
8.      The Dictator
9.      Boat Trip
10.  Euro Trip 

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