Friday, November 18, 2011


As an ecstatic Dadaji continues to tweet, Bollywood dawns upon the conclusion that the greatest filmy news for 2011 has just been delivered and the Bachchans’ have stolen everyone’s thunder!
The rumors have been wiped out and the Indian Bollywood-loving, frenzied population will now have to look for other places to entertain their mundane lives! Oh! Yes! The secret is out and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan just brought into this world a little baby girl. Like betted or gossiped upon, not twins or a baby boy, but a beautiful, Miss World Junior, will probably kick start the careers of the next generation of actors, representing the Bachchan family. She may probably move on to other interesting, prospective careers like mausi Shweta, but that would mean denying the entire Bharat ki bollywood paagal jantha the Bachchan legendary talent they crave for.
As Sr. Bachchan tweeted this morning, “I am DADA to the cutest baby girl,” India witnessed a revolution in its own weird sense. Twitterazzi and paparazzi swarmed over the news like drooling hawks and set into motion the uploading, printing and gathering of whatever they could get their hands on about the first grand, much awaited celebrity delivery, like never seen before in the bollywood khandaan. 
Bollywood has finally seen it all, the making and breaking of a film star, the gossip surrounding bollywood families and the ups and downs of grand weddings. However, with the coming in of a baby girl, the Bachchans now have a new favorite family member to talk about and media to go ga ga over. 
We’d all probably wish we had an insider view into the Bachchan family life. For now though, we should probably leave it to the little girl eventually figuring out the dealings of being born into THE bollywood family, where in the literal sense, the whole of India worships her dada and par-dada!

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