Saturday, April 16, 2011

The month of pranks, fun & jokes

Hello Dear Readers!!!
It being April... the month of pranks, fun & jokes...  the funny, laughable characteristics of our own Hollywood come to mind!
You see...
# In Hollywood they get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day. HeeHee!!!
 # The hardest thing in Hollywood is to keep the marriage a secret until the divorce leaks out.
 # I was invited to a Hollywood wedding. Traffic was heavy, so I got there late -- just in time for the divorce.
# One Hollywood kid has good reason to be proud: at the last PTA meeting, he won the prize for having the most parents there.

 # One actress is sentimental: she always gets divorced in the dress her mother was married in.
#  A Hollywood bride looked around as the groom put her down after carrying her across the threshold. Puzzled, the Hollywood bride said, "This place looks familiar. Have we been married before?"

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